Monday, July 4, 2011

As Promised!

Happy Independence Day, homeland. :)

Here are some of our many many pictures from last week's adventures!

On Friday, Madalina showed us her church and took us shopping in the city!

We met up with Panna and her friend and went out for dinner and ice cream later that evening.

Saturday...Bran Castle!


Saturday night, Jess and Parker went to Melinda's choir concert...

Sunday after church, we stayed after service to celebrate a birthday!

And then Reka invited us to her apartment for lunch with her and her family! It was delicious. Probably the best meal we've had here, actually. Reka may not speak much English, but conversation flowed anyway! God is good!

God Bless! 
Nikki, Jessica, & Parker 
Colossians 4:2-6

Saturday, July 2, 2011

"Please bless cats; keep them safe."

-A first-time prayer from a reader

Yes, we're still here!

 Bloggers! Sorry for being MIA, but our internet has turned against us and refuses to let me a) check email or b) upload any pictures! So, for today, you're stuck with only my words. Life is rough. ;)

 So let's see. Since Monday, we've gained several readers, only "losing" one (she plans to come back to read with other LST readers later in the summer), had our second party, went shopping with two of our teenage readers, and today we went to Bran Castle (aka Dracula's Castle) with Adrianna, Vlad, Andrew, and Claudia. I so wish I could show you pictures! Hopefully tomorrow afternoon I'll make it to an internet cafe where I'll be able to do so. Keep your fingers crossed! This evening, Jess and Parker got to go see a choir/orchestra concert of one of Jess's readers daughter, who I will start reading with this week! 

 Our party Thursday was a great success! We had a potluck (and got to try a lot of different and tasty treats) and played board games & cards and began work on a 1000 piece puzzle. Everyone seemed to have a great time! Afterwards we went out for sodas and hot chocolate (in case you were wondering, hot chocolate in europe is NOT the same as in America...) with Rodica, Adrianna, Gabriel, Levi, Madelina, Anna, Vlad, Phillip, and Panna. So much fun! :)

 Tomorrow we're hoping to have lunch with one of my readers, Reka, and her family. She speaks VERY little English, but by this point, Parker, Jess, and I are used to finding slow, patient alternative ways to communicate with all of our brothers and sisters here. In fact, we've all had a lot of lessons in patience, innovation, and humor that have all come form simply trying to get simple every day conversations across. 

 Tomorrow will also be our last FULL Sunday in Sfantu Gheorghe! What?! Crazy, I know. One week from tomorrow we will drive to Bucharest, then Monday we'll begin our long journey of flying to Dallas, Texas (and then Tuesday, just because I like planes so much, I'll fly for another several hours home to Portland). It's bittersweet; we all miss our homes, friends, and families, but we'll certainly miss the friends, family, and home we've found here in Romania.

What am I saying? We still have a week to go! :)
Pictures comin' when I can get them up!

God Bless! 
Nikki, Jessica, & Parker 
Colossians 4:2-6

Monday, June 27, 2011

"Do you want?"

-Aurora, one of my readers. . .every time she says it, all I can think is "Voulez-vou" Hahaha

Only one Monday left...what?!

Yes, time flies when you're having fun. This we know for sure. On Sunday morning, we were here:

On Sunday afternoon, I stayed at the apartment to clean, nap, clean, recharge a bit, and clean. Parker and Jess spent their leisure time with Adrianna and Vlad at a house they own in a village near Sfantu Gheorghe. They ate together, enjoyed the view, and even played with some tiny, tiny froggies. :D

Today began our third week of reading--what an incredible work God is doing here! Thank you so much for your continues prayers and support for this mission. You are all part of our team! 

As much as you already do for our team, I have another favor to ask you. If you could, while praying for our team, please also pray for my friend, Justin Love. You can click the link for more info. Justin is an amazing person, and a fighting spirit. 

How amazing is our God to be working in every individual life, no matter where they are in this world.

God Bless!
Nikki, Jessica, & Parker
Colossians 4:2-6

Sunday, June 26, 2011

"Are you guys Americans?"

-An American from South Carolina named Jarod, serving the last of his time here in Romania as a Peace Corps volunteer

Brasov: "Probably the best city in the world." ...or so we read.
It's only Sunday morning, but we've already had a great weekend! Friday night we were invited upstairs to play card games with some of Jess & Parkers readers--Tomas, Pono, Levi, and Ukeda.

Yesterday, one of my readers, Aurora, along with her boyfriend took Jess, Parker, and I to the medieval city Brasov to see the sites. It 's a beautiful city. . .I'll show you!

God Bless!
Nikki, Jessica, & Parker
Colossians 4:2-6